Monday 12 October 2009

top 5 resources

Top 5 resources

Spotlight link

casting call pro

Constant casting


Talent circle

I am a member of the above websites and they update me everyday with new jobs coming in. Sometimes I wonder why I am being offered the chance to audition for an eighty year old authentic Eskimo but that’s the carpet bombing emailing from Spotlight.

There are more auditions through Casting Call Pro but only 25% of their jobs are paid.

Constant Casting can be more of a cattle market extras needed.

Castnet has brought me good roles but mainly Student films

Talent Circle is worth a look now and then.

I have tried other websites; Shooting People, Stage online but they can be worse than my listed sites at the present time.

Conclusion…get a good agent or start writing like I did, save some cash and put on your own damn play

1 comment:

  1. As you mentioned that there aren`t much paid job in performing arts industry. Even if luckily get one, often only a few weeks to a few month.
    Saving money, I agree. Also, being an equality member helps just in case if you are out of job.

    Thanks SCott.
